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Oil Paintings and Water Colour Paintings
About Michael Yeomans
I live in a lovely part of County Down and have done so for the past 30 years. I am a retired art teacher and currently paint as a hobby. As you can imagine my hobby is taking over my wall space and think it's time to find them a new home. I typically paint Sunsets, Sunrises and landscape but really if something catches my interest i will paint it.
I love architecture and vintage cars, I have also had the pleasure (or pain) of building a kit car which sadly I had to sell due to it's age and the roadworthyness. Architecture and cars also feature in my artwork as I have been lucky enough to have traveled most of the UK and also quite a bit of Europe.
I have built a lovely cottage and converted a disused barn, to which I currently reside. I rent the cottage as a holiday let on AirB&B
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